Looking for an incredible acreage? This is it!! A beautiful 5 bed 3 bath home sitting on over 7 acres! Enjoy peaceful country views from your deck and live comfortably in the gorgeous open kitchen and living area on the main level! The kitchen has beautiful floors, spacious island and great appliances. The lower level offers another spacious living area and private bedroom and bathroom area. The property also has 4 outbuildings for all of your toys and machines! This property has it all! Schedule your private viewing today!
4727 90th Avenue (MLS # 241235) is a property located in Linn Grove, IA. MLS# 241235 is a Residential Ranch which has 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, is 3104 sqft and listed with a price $674,900 on SellBoji.com. 4727 90th Avenue is situated in the area of the Iowa Great Lakes located in Northwest IA. Find detailed information about 4727 90th Avenue, Linn Grove, IA 51033 including interior & exterior features, photos, as well as community and market stats for Linn Grove, IA. Contact Charlie Leissler at 712.229.9809 to receive personalized Linn Grove, IA real estate service. He will provide you information and key facts based on years of knowledge and experience, about 4727 90th Avenue, Linn Grove, IA 51033. Charlie Leissler will also provide you with a comparative market analysis (CMA) for similar homes for Sale in Linn Grove, IA. Explore 0 more homes for Sale in Linn Grove as well as 0 more properties for Sale in 51033 using SellBoji.com MLS Search of off lake homes for East Lake, West Lake, and Big Spirit Lake..